When Nehemiah faced a momentous problem (the walls of Jerusalem needing to be rebuilt) Nehemiah shared the vision:
“Let us arise and build!” (Neh. 2:18).
What made his vision casting effective?
- It was short and simple
- It was corporate
- It was goal orientated
- It was doable – but not really
The result? A wide assortment of people from all walks of life and occupations got on board with the vision and believed with God’s help they could make it happen. Some were more involved that others. But what was undeniable was that Nehemiah was smart enough to know people needed visionary direction and simple enough to believe that God could do it. And in the end that’s exactly what happened.
The application for our lives is broad but worthy of consideration: personal vision, family vision, church vision, ministry vision, etc. Where are you headed and how are you trusting God to make that journey possible? 10 years from now what do you want to be able to say about the results of your personal decisions and your impact on society? What about your family?
What is the ‘vision’ you’re working off of today? How should that impact your decisions today?