Husbands: A Guide to Pray for Your Wife Daily

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Husbands, praying for your wife should be a daily effort. And, as husbands and leaders of our family, we have the responsibility to be leading spiritually, particularly in areas of prayer. But sometimes it can be difficult to know what to pray for on different days, without being repetitive and shallow. To help that. I began to write down things I was praying for my wife each day, which resulted in the daily plan you see below. This has been a great tool for me. So husbands, here is a guide to pray for your wife daily.

Monday: Spiritual Depth: Time in the word/prayer time
  • that her current study in __________________ would help her to grow in her understanding of the gospel.
  • that her time would be consistent and meaningful, and that I would encourage her in that process
  • that her prayer life would be a pattern, enlarging her faith and trust in the Lord.
Tuesday: Purposeful relationships (a Paul, a Barnabas, a Timothy)
  • that she would be sensitive to the needs of another woman in her sphere, and would not hesitate to encourage her (ask her who that could be)
  • that she would develop a strong, godly friendship that would be mutually beneficial (ask her who that could be)
  • that she would grow in a relationship with a more spiritual woman that can help her advance in Christ (ask her who that could be)
Wednesday: Nurturing motherhood (nurturing the love of Christ in the home)
  • that grace would be on her lips as she communicates to the kids
  • that she would allow love, not judgment, to dominate her decisions
  • that she would encourage the children towards their time with the Lord
  • that her example of Christlikeness would be an excellent model for the children.
Thursday: Eternal Perspective (that she would not be consumed with the ‘here and now’, but eternity)
  • that her life would not be controlled by the momentary worries of this day (2 Cor. 4:16-18)
  • that her life would be driven by her faith in God, not by sight or circumstances (2 Cor. 5:7)
  • that she would resist the temptation to please others instead of primarily pleasing Christ (2 Cor. 5:9)
  • that her pursuit in life would be eternal rewards, not temporary praise (2 Cor. 5:10)
Friday: Wise Priorities (that she would have discernment between what’s necessary/what’s not)
  • that she would be able to prioritize what’s currently pressing for her time and make wise choices (Prov. 31:25)
  • that her tasks in the home (including mine) would not be characterized as “idle” (Prov. 31:27)
  • that her praise in life would be coming from the right people (Prov. 31:28)
Saturday: Communicating Christ (that she would be bold in her declaration of the gospel)
  • that the truths of Christ’s redemption and grace would be continuing transforming her life
  • that the reality of those truths would move her to speak the truth of the gospel to the people she interacts with
  • that she would see her circles of influence in life the way that God sees them – as opportunities to communicate Christ
  • that she would have boldness to communicate Christ with _______________________ (ask her who she needs to share Christ with)
Sunday: That I Would Show Her Christlike Love (Living Out the Truth of the Gospel in my marriage)
  • that my words to her would not be harsh or bitter, but encouraging and Christ-focused.
  • that all my other earthly relationships would be secondary to her – she must supersede everyone
  • that I would be willing to set aside all my ambitions and desires to serve her (and our family). 

So husbands, there you have it: a simple guide to pray for your wife daily. How do you make this a reality? Real quick:

  • Put this list somewhere easily accessible, like the inside of your daily use Bible
  • Pick a time to pray for your wife (and other matters) and try to stick to it. You will have the most success when you pick a time that will have minimal people or electronic interruption.
  • Develop a prayer habit for praying for your wife. Think you could follow this pattern for at least 7 days? 14 days? A month? Give it a try. It eventually will develop a habit for you that will become very rewarding.

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