The Ministry Dad Resources
(Books for Believers, Parents, Marriages and Men)
Steps Toward Maturity
Steps Toward Maturity is an essential guide for every believer seeking to deepen their relationship with God and grow spiritually. This book takes you on a transformative journey through eight critical steps that build on each other to cultivate a thriving Christian life.
The book systematically guides readers through the steps of Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Self-Control, Perseverance, Godliness, Brotherly Affection, and Love. Each chapter is designed to not only inform but to inspire change, making it a valuable tool for personal discipleship or small group study.

Parenting Those Teachable Twos
(Written for Married Couples)
Most parents begin to get frazzled by their kid's independence by the time they start to crawl. They are beginning to show signs of impatience and preference for their wishes. During these moldable moments, parents have to choose whether or not to train their children in what is acceptable, or simply allow them to go their own way.
In this short but practical guide to parenting toddlers, Pastor Scott Foreman lays out a philosophy of parenting built on the truths of the Scriptures.
Parenting cannot be left to chance! We must be purposeful parents. With tenacity and a correct philosophy, you can train your kids to be responsive to your God-given authority.

Seven Crazy Years
(Written for Junior/Senior High School Students)
The teen years could probably be characterized as crazy, but that doesn't mean you have to act insane trying to navigate them. Thankfully God has given teens clear direction in the Bible on how he wants them to live in their dating, friendships, media, temptation, and more.
In 'Seven Crazy Years', author Scott Foreman shares his experiences as a dad of teens and from serving as a youth missionary and Pastor.

The Marital Big Blocks
(Written for Engaged and Married Couples)
God-honoring marriages just don’t happen. They are built over time, based on the truths God has given to us in His Word. When we honor God’s desire for a godly marriage, then we can expect love, peace, and a home where Christ is exalted.
The six main areas that seem to contribute significantly to a healthy marriage are seen in the following ‘building blocks’: Dialogue, Trust vs. Suspicion, Intimacy, Domestic Structure, Spiritual Maturity, Stewardship.
This book can be used as a counseling resource, for small group study, for couples looking to strengthen their marriage and anyone interested in seeing how a marriage can be transformed by God’s principles.

Making Sense of Media
(Written for Junior/Senior High School Students)
As a Christian teen, navigating media decisions can be difficult. How do you know what you should listen to, watch, comment on, and participate in? Can you engage in these things and still honor the Lord with your decisions?
Making Sense of Media will help you to think through those decisions. Taking God’s Word, you will see how the Lord wants to guide your decisions when it comes to media, so you can be a teen who engages and maintains your testimony for Him.

Rethinking Dating
(Written for Junior/Senior High School Students)
Dating is great until it’s not.
Maybe it’s time to give it a rethink?
Dating has been a cultural norm for hundreds of years. And many teens don’t even think twice about it. Yet when they don’t, the dating years can be filled with pain and disillusionment.
Rethinking Dating will help you to think about dating differently. By seeing what God says about teens being an example to others, you can see how God would give you guidance when it comes to dating relationships.

Is Christianity the Only Way?
(Written for Junior/Senior High School Students)
Thousands of religions. Hundreds of leaders. Which one is the real deal?
Christian teens are being told all the time that there is no way to know truth from error, right from wrong. You are left up to your own ideas of what to embrace and what to deny. That is a scary place to be in, if you don’t know why you believe what you believe.
Is Christianity the Only Way will guide you through a process of questions and answers in areas of world religions and their authenticity, the reliability of the Bible, if some things are always right and wrong, if the universe points to a Creator, and more.

Planning for Temptation
(Written for Junior/Senior High School Students)
Temptation is all around us. But as a Christian teen, you don’t have to give in.
Knowing that temptation is all around us is half the battle. The other half is having a plan to have victory over it.
Planning for Temptation is just that, a plan to help you think Biblically about temptation, and to develop a plan built around the temptations you will face. God wants you to be a teen who lives victoriously over temptation. And thankfully, He has provided the path that makes victory possible. This happens as we have an effective plan for temptation.

Do Friendships Matter?
(Written for Junior/Senior High School Students)
As a Christian teen, your friendships matter. Likely even more than you realize.
This is because influence in relationships is so powerful. God can use these influential relationships to help us grow closer to Him and glorify Him.
Do Friendships Matter takes you through a Biblical understanding of friendship, and how God wants you to be a friend that is not influenced by the culture but is influencing your friends for Christ.

Can I Understand God's Word?
(Written for Junior/Senior High School Students)
The Bible is constantly under attack. Do you know how to defend it?
And not just defend it but understand how God wants His written word to have a life-changing effect on your life.
Can I Understand God’s Word will help you to understand how we got the Bible, how accurate it is, and how God wants us to understand it and make it a real part of our lives?
You can understand the Bible as a teen, and in the process, get to know God in a way you never have before.

Towards Masculine Maturity
(Written for Adult Men)
Become the man God made you to be!
The path of life is hard, but God has called men to live a worthy, spiritually mature walk.
Four maturity identifiers help us get there:
• Personal Balance, Domestic Leadership, Ministry Growth, Others Focused
Don’t believe the lie that spiritual mediocrity for you as a man is inevitable. God has so much more for you as you strive to walk toward maturity.